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This kinda hits home to me. My mother isn’t dead but I am a child from divorced parents ...

milkTEA July 12, 2021 1:18 am

This kinda hits home to me. My mother isn’t dead but I am a child from divorced parents and both my parents have remarried. But before they got remarried I also went through that stage of seeing them talking to these ‘strangers’ that soon become as intimate as I am to them. I rebelled as well because I couldn’t accept the fact they also had their own lives and I was afraid I would be forgotten as they moved on with other people while I was still struggling to accept change. So it’s completely understandable the daughter acts the way she does, her actions have hurt the people around her but she herself is still a grieving child.

Btw, if the MC ends up with the university student, that’s completely understandable. As much as I feel for the father, he made his choice and as great as it’d be to see them back together I don’t think it’s going towards that route.
