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Didn't get the dad's story

R.D July 12, 2021 2:52 am

So, he was a knight who was going to get married to a lady. Then lady got raped by the prince and got pregnant, then the knight beat the prince to death and ran away with lady. But the lady was the one who had red hair right? Did i got it right?

    Lilly July 12, 2021 8:23 am does he have his dads eyes tho

    Me. July 14, 2021 10:40 pm

    He didn't dead the prince to death he's still alive but bedridden. The ML looks just like his dad so I feel like he's not the child from that incident and maybe he has a sibling? Otherwises his appearance makes no sense.

    Nixxala July 15, 2021 7:12 am does he have his dads eyes tho Lilly

    Because, remember the lady who visited often to his dad, saying that the the dad's eyes had faded from it's original blue. I still think they weren't completely honest though :P

    inro July 19, 2021 8:50 pm

    And wasnt the Ginger lady married to that perv lord?? Very confused