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minminsaa July 12, 2021 1:39 pm

Am I the only one that does not like the fact the the other person who fell in love with the mc is like moving way to fast? Like how can he suddenly be gay or fall so easy for a guy? It’s not realistic at all.... (might have spoiler) also the childhood friend know the mc for years and in the next chaps the author show us how much the have been through and that they are always depending on each other.... so I really like them together. But I know that in the end the mc will end up with the curly hair dude. So I hope the childhood friend have some side story cause I really like him. *sm I forgot is that the mc is literally using the curly hair dude for sex and in the next chaps the only thing they do is this until he suddenly fall in love with him*

    Vastril July 12, 2021 1:52 pm

    Well not every love story has to be realistic. That's the point of it being fiction. It's just really more of preference, so I'm assuming you prefer realistic relationships kinda like how I prefer love at first sight/ love conquers all type of tropes.

    Stan Iwaoi July 12, 2021 2:45 pm

    By MC I think you are referring to Ho-in and by curly hair dude I think you are talking about Chunwoo? Idk if that is correct but if so then I don't see it as moving fast per say. Realistically it is possible, I don't think it ever explicitly said he was gay or bi. Seems like he is more on the pansexual scale since he previously dated girls (well I'm assuming) but then has these feelings for Chunwoo regardless of him being a guy. I think he just feels attracted to Chunwoo for Chunwoo. Although I don't necessarily support the relationship.