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Commitment is rlly hard and the fact that they r man judgemental society is scary too so I can't blame him

Choke_me July 12, 2021 3:37 pm

Prepare for long ass essay I will type

TAESOO i know commitment is rlly hard ik that... you two need to understand each other, clarify what y'all relationship is, YOU BOTH LOVE EACH OTHER PLS, if you're not gonna make a move or clarify things to chonwoo then it will be just a mess for the both of you.. not only that u guys r best friends... And somehow I can feel that u guys r both each other FIRST LOVE... Just tell him what he rlly is to you... And I know damn well u know Chonwoo love you Ik you're holding yourself back bcs of what?? Fear of commitment? Judgmental society?? Yeah I can't blame you to that but Chonwoo is suffering so much bcs of that unwavering feelings of you get didn't know what u feel abt him.... Clean this mess cause it will just be harder for the both of you...
