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All the characters are Annoying ass fuck. But Yuki god if she’s dumb, I can’t even bel...

Kageyama12. July 12, 2021 4:16 pm

All the characters are Annoying ass fuck. But Yuki god if she’s dumb, I can’t even believe she’s a senior, where is her common sense?? Like she gets angry that Naruse doesn’t wanna tell her other people’s business (yess understandable to be jealous) but this girl went to a whole date with a guy who she knows is is obsessed and in love with her, holding hands and Almost kissing him, and knowing the dumb bitch she wouldn’t have stopped that kiss, then start crying in her home and stof. Like at this point fuck it. They should break up,at list Naruse is tying. My girl Yuki isn’t getting any type of development and is constantly complaining
