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That saint girl

Animelover July 12, 2021 6:15 pm

Is she an idiot...he was in this state because of her damn scream and because he wanted to help her ..but that selfish b**** shouts at him ...calls him corporate slave...and flirting with another mc...wanna kill her

    Daemon August 22, 2023 12:53 am

    You sound demented lol. 1. She's a child. 2. Ofc she was screaming for help, she was getting kidnapped. 3. MC isn't even mad at her cuz he knows she's a kid. 4. So what if she likes Aresh? He's an attractive man lmao

    Animelover August 22, 2023 3:13 am

    LMAO...I forgot about this manga..I am sure I may have frustrated because of her..while I'm commenting...someone reasoning for her now lol..but just because she is a child....she can't act whatever the way she wants..right? Of course...everyone screams when they are kidnaped...I just wanted her to show some gratitude towards him...