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Okay Wait

Yeol July 13, 2021 12:33 am

I just wanna clear up when the author says "you're killing us" I believe (might be wrong) their intent was to talk about the fact that you are basically making them lose money, which is kinda a given if you're uploading content you're meant to pay for. Or perhaps the author was saying how catching these illegal uploaders is a pain in the butt? Idk. I get the author is upset but I just feel like there is a huge language barrier that makes this more difficult. It feels like the author is not aware or understanding of what the OP said, so I feel like this can easily be solved if someone could step up and explain that OP cannot remove chapters and that the author has to contact the website or something to get rid of it (this has happened before). The author was a bit too quick to act but I get why they are upset. But wow their twt is a mess lmao

(+ Lemme just add one person does not define a whole community. Don't stop supporting Lez because of this one author.)

I do not stand for the author for doxxing and putting up a bounty, but they are rightfully upset.
