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WTF WTF WTF we believe it has the potential to be the next one piece-naruto-DBZ!!!!said th...

ninouch September 20, 2016 9:46 pm

WTF WTF WTF we believe it has the potential to be the next one piece-naruto-DBZ!!!!said the author, Llike SERIOUSLY dude are y fucking serious !!ARE Y FUCKING SERIOUS!!!this shit compare it one piece-naruto-DBZ! y must be crazy really

    {_____} September 21, 2016 10:35 pm

    Is that what Catel said, like in an interview or something? I don't see this having THAT much potential. But I am glad that you didn't write it off just because of stupid assumptions (like the two guys below). You judged it based on the actual work and that is admirable.

    ninouch September 23, 2016 11:59 am
    Is that what Catel said, like in an interview or something? I don't see this having THAT much potential. But I am glad that you didn't write it off just because of stupid assumptions (like the two guys below). ... {_____}

    the autor said so in the end of the chapter yes !!!and it is ugly and bad even based on one page !

    {_____} September 23, 2016 7:37 pm

    oh I couldn't finish the second chapter. I saw it and tried to re read it but it just doesnt hold my attention. So for sure not even close to something as classic as DBZ