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Well... Like the direction of this chapter. Cole is not the first idiot in this world to c...

Viv007 September 21, 2016 1:55 pm

Well... Like the direction of this chapter. Cole is not the first idiot in this world to create blunders due to his insecurities.

Sometimes we just can never accept the fact that our deepest wish has come true. Trying to act all grown up and logical we create a mess. What i see here is a typical teen scenario.. dream guy , hot sex , enough attention but we just go ahead and screw it up royally cos we teens love drama.. how can we have something so perfect without drama

    weed September 21, 2016 2:31 pm

    Yey yey me too , with my EX and then my ex really get another girlfriends . LOL , I swear stupid am I. Hohoho ,

    Viv007 September 21, 2016 2:52 pm
    Yey yey me too , with my EX and then my ex really get another girlfriends . LOL , I swear stupid am I. Hohoho , weed

    Me too ... Now i feel like slapping the ol me so hard for doing such nutty stuff ... Alas ! split milk ...

    weed September 21, 2016 3:00 pm
    Me too ... Now i feel like slapping the ol me so hard for doing such nutty stuff ... Alas ! split milk ... Viv007

    Hahahahaha in real live and when this happen so fast , I can't take back my word or it's like "oh I did it?"

    Viv007 September 21, 2016 3:22 pm
    Hahahahaha in real live and when this happen so fast , I can't take back my word or it's like "oh I did it?" weed

    I know it is like a itch which keeps on telling you do it ! do it ! do it! . And after the deed is done and your like drunk and emotionally sober the first words ringing in ur "WTFFF " did i just do.. OMG.. Can like sleep over.. Well it is very typical for teens to do this because emotions or feeling too strong actually messes them up. They are just not mentally prepared to take so much of strong stuff at one go...

    weed September 21, 2016 3:43 pm
    I know it is like a itch which keeps on telling you do it ! do it ! do it! . And after the deed is done and your like drunk and emotionally sober the first words ringing in ur "WTFFF " did i just do.. OMG.. Can... Viv007

    Hahahha that right , I just wanna die for this. LOL

    weed September 21, 2016 3:44 pm
    I know it is like a itch which keeps on telling you do it ! do it ! do it! . And after the deed is done and your like drunk and emotionally sober the first words ringing in ur "WTFFF " did i just do.. OMG.. Can... Viv007

    now I really want to look the next chap this manga, the seme-kun is so cool

    Viv007 September 21, 2016 4:02 pm

    :) ... Next chapters will have fireworks in display