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About the stepfather

lalilatulip July 13, 2021 11:40 am

Isaac father is an Omega, but he is a capable agent and had a high position in the CIA, then Cole as entitled Alpha has a thing for dignified and strong Omega, he want to crush and broke them under his feet, it gives him the sense of superiority, so he kidnapped Isaac and blackmailed his father, he raped Isaac father and marked him, a marked Omega can't live without their Alpha (this lead to his divorce with Isaac mother and he marries Cole), but the Alpha also can't have sex with another other than their Omega, so while Cole is in his rut, he raped Isaac father nonstop lead to his death.

That's also what he gonna do to Isaac, thanks to Felix, if he didn't stupidly calling Benjamin his 'Son' without knowing that he is his real son, Cole wouldn't ever found out that Isaac is Omega, he investigated that Benjamin is an Alpha, since Alpha could only born from Omega and Alpha, considering Felix is Alpha that makes Isaac Omega, at first he only kidnapped Benjamin to make Isaac come back to him, but then he change his plan. he is gonna make Isaac his Omega.
