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with back numbers are reseted, there's a chance for Eijun to be the ace this time! there's...

nekonekota September 22, 2016 5:30 am

with back numbers are reseted, there's a chance for Eijun to be the ace this time! there's still three months before summer tournament, I believe Eijun could grow more and more.

Sometimes Eijun being too hard to himself, but it's nice to know that he still think he's lacking even though he did a good job at pitching. He starts to notice that his batting power is lacking (lmao all this time I wonder when he'll start batting seriously). I can expect his improved batting then.

I actually want to see more Eijun and Koushuu interaction. It seems like Koushuu is interested in catching for Eijun haha

Furuya and Eijun fighting over who has the most faults lmao these kids are sore losers
