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Chuoi July 13, 2021 6:22 pm

Can someone help me sum up the chapters that have "bad" endings, I'm kinda scared of the tradegy tags so I'll either avoid them or read those chapters first to forget about them later, lol.

    jade July 14, 2021 6:25 am

    there’s only one story i’d consider truly heartbreaking. (i sobbed like an absolute baby for way longer then i’m willing to admit) and that’s story 7: phantom.
    i can sum it up or if you’d like to read it first then i can also go back and find the chapter lol. though it does have some characters that are callbacks from the first few stories and it’s kinda cool to see how they’ve come along. you might miss that
    if you just start from there, and also might get spoiled from that lol. so if you’d like a summery im sure i can also provide

    the flashbacks that begin at chapter 42 is the only other thing i can think of that’s a ‘tradity’ but even that wasn’t as bad as the 7th story. i really didn’t find it sad. so that ones a little subjective i suppose (/TДT)/

    Chuoi July 14, 2021 11:34 am
