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Pls author we want to enjoy

HARDCORE4ANIME July 13, 2021 6:31 pm

bruh fr,sure publishing some1 else's work is wrong.But does the author think we at least most ppl can buy the chapters?If so den the author is wrong cz i cannooott purchase chapters...i mean if i were in dat position...obv i wouldnt want my work to be published,but i will only grant it if they ask me and also mention me in each ch. or sum (like in a way where readers know who made this and have info bout it) But honestly speaking,mangago is the only web dat has no dirty adds when reading+is also th eonly web i enjoy reading cz is free and dats why i love mangago. Many ppl cant afford to purchase esp cz of age n not yet in job/card to be fair the author should allow the work t be published but also the publisher mentioning the info bout the manga.Dats fair right? Am only saying this cz am trying to see perspective from all 3 sides...if am wrong,im sorry...but i just want to read free wiv no adds ╥﹏╥ (rn am having thought on whether i should send this comment or not... ╥﹏╥)
