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I'm gonna rant even tho I only read until ch 35

Luna July 14, 2021 9:46 am

Now I know why a lot of people doesn't recommend this as a good read.

The concept is interesting 'for a slave to change the mindset of people' and I'm prepared of a long development with this story with the first part is saving his sister which is achieved.
The second part is to prove his worth i believe (not sure) but since he already have a group of people by his side that know his worth (1)the blue elf (2)the half elf (3)that strong dude (4)the magic teacher I thought his would be simple, but no he went around acting like a kid and punch and rejecting everyone including the (2) and (3) and yes all off those kindness and patience that he has in the first part is gone poof just like that. Where did it go towards feeding his ego when he find out his origin.

Basically saying he suck and he keep feeding that ego of his making he act like a noble that he hate himself.

Another level of self hatred I see ಠ_ಠ
I might keep reading this just to see is there any development If not then I'm probably making stupid decision (•‿•)
