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listen..i am previous uploader..but listen i didnot left this manga..i am just taking a b...

Jim July 14, 2021 2:39 pm

listen..i am previous uploader..but listen i didnot left this manga..i am just taking a break even if you take it..pls don't mind me but your uploading is not good enough..u page is half there and half here not is ok..but you should have asked me before taking it...well leave it..upload it in a right manner that's all

    vxitrix July 14, 2021 4:01 pm

    hi yes ofc! sorry i took over, i will take it down if u would like. and sorry i didn't ask first, i hope theres no hard feelings :)

    Jim July 15, 2021 4:46 am
    hi yes ofc! sorry i took over, i will take it down if u would like. and sorry i didn't ask first, i hope theres no hard feelings :) vxitrix that you took it u can upload it from now on..but pls improve your uploading tactics..buddy and i have no hard feelings towards you(⌒▽⌒)

    vxitrix July 15, 2021 8:37 pm that you took it u can upload it from now on..but pls improve your uploading tactics..buddy and i have no hard feelings towards you(⌒▽⌒) Jim

    no, i feel as though i probably won’t be able to do as a good as a job as u so im sorry for acting recklessly when uploading that chapter. and since ur the original uploader u should be the one to continue whenever ur off ur break! sorry again

    Jim July 16, 2021 10:50 am
    no, i feel as though i probably won’t be able to do as a good as a job as u so im sorry for acting recklessly when uploading that chapter. and since ur the original uploader u should be the one to continue wh... vxitrix

    no continue doing it and try ur best ...i am still at break and readers are waiting so u upload it up to then

    vxitrix July 16, 2021 4:49 pm
    no continue doing it and try ur best ...i am still at break and readers are waiting so u upload it up to then Jim

    okay, as long as its alright with you, i'll upload a couple chapters until you're back from break. and i'll try my best to improve! (=^・^=)

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