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bro i-

panties July 14, 2021 8:20 pm

how is this favoritism???? if anything YOURE the one favoring your own kids over a little girl whos just minding their own business. your kid deadass knocked someone unconscious and wanted to hit them with a wooden sword.
then coming into someone’s room angry after punishing them properly…pathetic.
your own dad disciplined YOUR kid for you because you obviously cant, and said kid grew up thinking they can do whatever they want without consequences because of it.
aren’t you also in need of discipline? you deadass heard someone’s so called business and wanted to invest even though you have no knowledge of the kind of business its going to be/what is being advertised, but someone more knowledgeable than you said something about it preventing a huge lost and youre mad? because what? they had a kid with someone they love and raised their kid better than you did?
this is the most pathetic thing i’ve seen in a while. the world doesn’t revolve around you wth. certainly not your kid either.
this battle for the head position is based on what your kid knows and understands. they each have to prove themselves worthy of being head of the family. they dont simply earn the title just for existing.
both him and his son pathetic asf and act like 6 year olds.
