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feelings, do I actually need them?

Mels July 14, 2021 8:38 pm

If the author suddenly got the urge to make a "prequel" where they explore the love story and life story of Soha and Un in their past, I'd totally be down for it. I usually don't really like flashbacks because they distract and take away from the main story but THIS, omg, this deserves three books worth of backstory, the characters are all so likeable both in the past and present and I love everyone (well, there is that one eyed algae wannabe but still gorgeous). Every mothermuffing character is pretty, handsome, cute and gorgeous, the places and clothes and ambience are drawn so spectacularly, I could read this only for those but we also get well developed and well designed characters inside a good plot driven and relationship driven manhua. I hope you get better author because you deserve to feel good and be happy, thank you for this amazing story and thank you uploaders for making it possible for me to read the story.
