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Since the beginning I didn't like Koba, she wasn't a good friend, she was secretly jealous...

Gr8Pio July 14, 2021 10:20 pm

Since the beginning I didn't like Koba, she wasn't a good friend, she was secretly jealous, didn't try to help Miko, and was generally annoying.
I just hope that she won't end up with king Ishigami, I waited a looooong time to see some progress between him and Miko, if she destroy it I will flip

    uhlekseeuh July 14, 2021 10:30 pm

    but i don't think miko is any better? manipulative and jealous before a relationship even starts? no thanks

    Gr8Pio July 14, 2021 10:32 pm
    but i don't think miko is any better? manipulative and jealous before a relationship even starts? no thanks uhlekseeuh

    Still better than someone who talks shit behind friend back.

    Gr8Pio July 14, 2021 10:33 pm
    but i don't think miko is any better? manipulative and jealous before a relationship even starts? no thanks uhlekseeuh

    BTW this manga from the beginning was about manipulation xD