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catbuns July 14, 2021 11:59 pm

Thank you for the upload!

Senpai is adorable as usual and morinaga calling him by his first name was just *cheff kiss. I love Senpai's reaction toooo aaa i wanna roll him into a blanket and give him warm hugs TwT

Can i just point out how much character development senpai has now? Like, i love how he wasnt angry at morinaga when he just got home and it even made him confused like "wut why would i get mad at that" SENPAI YOU GET MAD AT EVERYTHING IN THE BEGINNING PFT- he's more honest with his feelings now, like calling his first name by morinaga makes him embarrassed (//w//). I cant quite remember where the turning point of this dere switch happened but man im glad we get to see this development!
