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OK. ok so.. umm.. Lets go

~YaoiLover^^ September 25, 2016 11:30 pm

1. Did she seriously throw herself in for him? hmm?! SERIOUSLY?!?!?!

2. Oh my dear lord I cannot tell whos who. Worst fan ever. I know tsukiyama, kaneki (still waiting for the lil bugger), nishio, and touka/hinami/mado- all the main characters from TG (this is TGre and i dun even know those investigators or the half ghoul squad)

3. Kaneki ma boi... when are you coming?? Be your badass self and end this already. The arc needs to change, or at least go somewhere else.

4. To tsukiyama- I still totally support your kaneki love. You go boi. get a bite outta dat ass
