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Very cute and sweet story but I HATE reading ABSURD bullshit that defines this pedophile s...

SagaIsTheArrowThatHitMyHeart July 15, 2021 5:35 am

Very cute and sweet story but I HATE reading ABSURD bullshit that defines this pedophile story. In your head you have this inclination to see where there is a child who is then all pedophile. Here no one has abused the child, on the contrary he was a ray of sunshine in the dark and lonely life of the writer. The child has become an adult, ADULT, DID YOU UNDERSTAND? And with full awareness he fell in love with the writer, so what? Where is the evil? Does the age difference shock you? We are in pure fantasy, remember, and we are here to read manga and not to create a court and sentence the stories. You are crazy! You are crazy! Here you can read 99 percent manga, pure fantasy stories with pure fantasy characters and if you don't like something, leave it and enjoy the other stories without spitting out sentences full of shit
