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Spoilers last chapter

ratt July 15, 2021 2:32 pm

ok so they break up (Yoon and taejoo) but like a clean break up after saying all what they had to say,, I was actually rooting for them now I’m really sad

So I’m guessing two things:

1. He’ll end up with his boss (this seems the most possible!! Hope it ends this way now that my otp died lol)
2. He will… die eventually because of his head injury (REALLY hope this is not what will happen but i can’t be too sure with this manhwa mmm)

    ratt July 15, 2021 2:34 pm

    Last chapter = ch48 = latest uploaded chapter! Not talking about the final chapter because that hasn’t been uploaded yet (I’m guessing this is gonna have 50 chapters)

    Riko July 15, 2021 2:45 pm

    The topic hinted me n i hesitated to read it yet i couldnt turn a complete blind eyes on it. I'm so weak in SE still i'm here rooting for taejoo n yoon.

    ratt July 15, 2021 3:09 pm
    The topic hinted me n i hesitated to read it yet i couldnt turn a complete blind eyes on it. I'm so weak in SE still i'm here rooting for taejoo n yoon. Riko

    i think their love was really something precious

    Riko July 15, 2021 7:11 pm
    i think their love was really something precious ratt

    Something precious and heartbreaking...