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Wait…..he was a college student doing things with a minor

Annoyingassbitch<3 July 15, 2021 8:53 pm

Wait…..he was a college student doing things with a minor

    Najah July 15, 2021 9:22 pm

    I believe so, yes. There’s six years between them, so he has to be a minor in at least high school while Han is in college

    Annoyingassbitch<3 July 15, 2021 10:46 pm
    I believe so, yes. There’s six years between them, so he has to be a minor in at least high school while Han is in college Najah

    Man that’s grosss…..ugh gonna drop cause what I’m pedo…it would’ve been better if the story didn’t just make him the tutor cause it’s completely fine if they meet as adults

    Annoyingassbitch<3 July 15, 2021 10:46 pm
    Man that’s grosss…..ugh gonna drop cause what I’m pedo…it would’ve been better if the story didn’t just make him the tutor cause it’s completely fine if they meet as adults Annoyingassbitch<3

    What in the pedo** I’m not a pedo I swear

    sian July 15, 2021 11:54 pm

    not trying to justify or anything but didn't he say he was a senior ?

    Annoyingassbitch<3 July 15, 2021 11:57 pm
    not trying to justify or anything but didn't he say he was a senior ? sian

    Senior as In what? They’re like 6 years apart I think. At that time he was in med college while hyuk was in like middle school or highschool

    sian July 16, 2021 3:40 am
    Senior as In what? They’re like 6 years apart I think. At that time he was in med college while hyuk was in like middle school or highschool Annoyingassbitch<3

    i meant that hyuk was a senior in highschool

    carooooo July 16, 2021 4:31 am
    i meant that hyuk was a senior in highschool sian

    no, i think he was a senior in middle school which would be 9th grade. which makes sense, cuz +6 years would be a college junior

    Najah July 16, 2021 7:06 pm
    i meant that hyuk was a senior in highschool sian

    Wouldn’t make any sense since Han is in college and there’s 6 years gap.

    Najah July 16, 2021 7:07 pm
    Man that’s grosss…..ugh gonna drop cause what I’m pedo…it would’ve been better if the story didn’t just make him the tutor cause it’s completely fine if they meet as adults Annoyingassbitch<3

    Dropping it as well, wouldn’t want to read that if it includes grooming. Even if he left, It doesn’t change the fact