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Enough is Enough

Riser July 15, 2021 9:18 pm

Anyone else tired of the Mass Deletes? I demand an explanation from Mangago. If someone else has the manga there needs to be a way to prevent others from uploading or something becuase this isn't the first time nor is it the 7th time. Enough with the crappy upload/deletions. Don't let it upload if you're going to delete. Everyone like the comment so it gets seen by the heads. Or don't i don't care, i may look for another cite if this doesn't get fixed in a month max.

    MidoriGreen July 15, 2021 10:38 pm

    sawateam is uploading this one.. but I've joined like 5 dc servers just to get proper uploads bc here they just.. DELETE :( man this is all illegal why delete