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Mina is a piece of work. I mean, she didn't even have the decency to talk it out with Kout...

manganiME September 28, 2016 1:33 pm

Mina is a piece of work. I mean, she didn't even have the decency to talk it out with Kouta, just, "Here, give him his ring back." What a bitch.

Well, he was a jerk to hate Tsukina, when Tsukina wasn't the one who asked him to sacrifice himself. He chose that all on his own. But at least, we can sympathize that his world was turned upside down by losing his vision and crushing his dream. Mina was just selfish. That wasn't love. I guess she just wanted to be a doctor's wife.

Happy ending. :D (Although I also thought it was Tsukina who was gonna give up her corneas or at least ONE.)

    Mochi April 11, 2017 5:17 am

    Yeh Mina's a real piece of work, but more than anything, she's just a coward. I sympathize with her though. While her actions are terrible, I'll give it to her for understanding that she doesn't have the right to stand next to the guy. She understood from the very beginning, and was adamant to stick with it. It's misguided, but she did think it was the best choice to save both the guy and her sister.

    Well, that's my interpretation anyways