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Cee July 16, 2021 5:32 am

Tell me why this has a rating of 9.3? I mean it literally. Like what shortcomings does this have that its not 9.5 or higher.

    agathe July 22, 2021 11:02 pm

    I read 40, so far i’d say it’s slow, it has a slice of life pace, but it’s packed with lots of intentions : of course romance, but also showbizz flirtations, and a past to resolve
    From these ambitions, the pace is rather unexpected
    (It’s not boring mind you, but it could have had more tension tit’s not a criticism, more an attempt to describe narrative choices)
    Lastly i’d say it doesn’t have pure « feel good vibes « , it’s more like some indie movies instead of hollywood production, both the pace and the vibe are not the usual enjoy a fun and fluff ride
    It has plenty humor, the characters are sweet, but life is not always ?