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Man. This manga needs to be recognized more. Its the only Yaoi i ever read with a serious ...

Anonymous September 29, 2016 8:17 am

Man. This manga needs to be recognized more. Its the only Yaoi i ever read with a serious plot. It might look not because of reckless sex and smut but it isnt this simple. And i reallly didnt expect that witty dirty tactics from the calculating uke, he really does calculating huh? I also kind of disappointed at first when i thought that he cant hold his lust so he'd go after another man but after i know its fucking planned, im amazed and still smiling like an idiot. I dont like betrayals too, but i never thought that this was betrayal at all, mote likely its called devotion for me, since he already said that he only plans to pitch and perhaps win for just one year and it doesnt matter what happens to his body after that year.

    Loulyss September 29, 2016 9:23 pm

    I do not agree. The story is not bad, but it's pretty basic. and in general, the love stories and plotting are okey, but the protagonist are not realistic and not well devellop enough. They are bland... Aya is a basic boring uke, and his pitcher too. I must admit that the long hair blond guy on the other team is more interesting. But again he fell easily in many stereotype of 'second role hero'.

    misaki-kun September 30, 2016 12:59 pm
    I do not agree. The story is not bad, but it's pretty basic. and in general, the love stories and plotting are okey, but the protagonist are not realistic and not well devellop enough. They are bland... Aya is ... Loulyss

    Haha "realistic" wtf character is "realistic" in Yaoi?! I think this is a fun story about people in love that do things for the one they love not because they like it but because the one they love will be happy. That to me is "realistic". Don't you do things for the one you love because you want to see them smile? I also think Kariya and Aya are so adorable and them having the whole childhood first love background is even cuter. I hate sports but the baseball foundation really brings it together and I found myself rooting for them on the field and off. But your opinion is yours and I hope you find something to read more suitable to your "realistic" fantasies.

    itikky September 30, 2016 3:14 pm
    I do not agree. The story is not bad, but it's pretty basic. and in general, the love stories and plotting are okey, but the protagonist are not realistic and not well devellop enough. They are bland... Aya is ... Loulyss

    I agree. There are many BL manga that have much more realistic characters than this one. I especially like the more mature ones, like 10 Dance, Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai, Vassalord, and several more!