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Prolly my 2nd or 3rd time reading this manhwa but my adoration for nam woo keeps on steady...

wonders July 17, 2021 12:10 am

Prolly my 2nd or 3rd time reading this manhwa but my adoration for nam woo keeps on steadyly increasing regardless. Im just so proud of her esp during the the part where she constantly search for seungha despite his selfishness for breaking their relationship one-sidedly. She's so admirable & relentless, plus her choice off words?! Im in awe, this girl is tough asf. As for seungho, you can obly see how bad his carving for familial affection is, he envied nam woo although her situation of growing without a father is far from perfect amongst our society. It can be presumed that he's better off bcause he has a father while she doesn't but yeah quality is better than quantity is a saying that can be applied here. Its also okay that he can never forgive his mom. Even if he did, the pain of being abandoned by one's own parent can never be forgotten, for life sobs. Im just so happy seungha has nam woo's unconditional love, they found each other & are definitely 'a perfect fit' in my eyes.
