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I'm not sure how I'd feel if I was being used as bait without my knowledge, and kept in th...

Soart July 17, 2021 2:35 am

I'm not sure how I'd feel if I was being used as bait without my knowledge, and kept in the dark about everything while losing sleep over it and having major anxiety. And then on top of that, the very person using me as a bait is the person I confide in without knowing once again. . .

Actually no, I know clearly how I'd feel - SALTY af. I'd need a thousand apologies and even then idk if I'll be letting them off the hook ರ_ರ

Like you were treating me like trash, acting like trash and ignoring me as part of a scheme - why couldn't you just TELL me???
Low key VERY annoyed at Rose even more so because of what she put my poor cinnamon apple roll through >:[
