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They decided to hide their true selves from her in the final chapter of season 1.....they ...

pinkdrink July 17, 2021 5:47 am

They decided to hide their true selves from her in the final chapter of season 1.....they got caught 6 chapters into season 2 lmao. I hope she's a bit understanding though because while they do, do evil things, it's justified in this situation. Like i really don't want her to start asking for them to spare the people that have been trying to murder her. Also side note....these nobles are like "that household is so evil and they do horrible things! we need to put an end to it!"....and then turn around and try to kill an innocent person. They literally acknowledged that she's an ordinary person who has nothing to do with what they do....but they want to kill her just to piss him off because at the end of the day...thats all that will happen. He's not going to disappear because she's dead. He's probably just going to go on a rampage and everything is going to be worse. Do these nobles not think things through?
