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Why can't Waki stay in love with Rikiichi that would be perfect (/TДT)/

Arisa Link October 1, 2016 8:31 am

Why can't Waki stay in love with Rikiichi that would be perfect (/TДT)/

    mia October 19, 2016 5:06 pm

    lol, i thought that, too. since the whole manga is yaoi :D and then they make one couple with a bromance relationship - whaaaat? wasted potential :D

    AtashiDatte October 19, 2016 5:19 pm

    I don't know why but I always had a sense that rikiichi was straight and used kotodama rather than touch to transfer wounds to his 3 kami. The gay sex only started with the next generation when his two surviving kami got paired with his nephew and grandson.

    Reality bites October 24, 2016 1:10 am

    To me, Rikiichi became Waki's father fig. he was bigger than life. he gave Waki purpose. they were close like brothers.