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I found a fansite that is has the english translations for the novel version: http://ear...

Nico fan January 14, 2013 12:49 am

I found a fansite that is has the english translations for the novel version:
It has novel 1 to 4 and some short stories of novel 8 and novel 12 done and posted. Anyone who likes this series and wants to read the original source of the manga, should go here!

    Sakura-chi November 29, 2014 11:14 am

    This really is an amazing site! I'm sure it will satisfy my thirst for more of this story. I have seen the anime, read the manga, and now have to read the books!

    Morcheeba January 30, 2015 12:37 am
    This really is an amazing site! I'm sure it will satisfy my thirst for more of this story. I have seen the anime, read the manga, and now have to read the books! @Sakura-chi

    Oh dear lord, I'm so grateful... this is the second night in succession I'm spending on this, and the story is so ...
    "So she thought I lost my mind after having my brain removed." (*laughing fit*)
    Thank you for sharing this link :D
    *blowing kisses, off to darken my panda-eyes*