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he will produce the most beautiful sound when he finally let go of his father. what’s ho...

baby July 17, 2021 3:39 pm

he will produce the most beautiful sound when he finally let go of his father. what’s holding him back rn is his dad and his dad’s teachings. if he could let go of that while also embracing the teachings that he got, he will produce the most beautiful sound ever. music is a reflection of our emotions. what we play is what we feel. i think aono is starting to understand that. i hope he will eventually accept saeki as it is. not as his father’s other son but as a human. both of them are great players and i just know both of them will shine brighter together. i also hope they would stop comparing themselves. comparing is just like a wall that u think u will never be able to climb. aono lost his sound which is why he can’t play as well as saeki but i’m sure it’ll be fine. last but not least, their father rent a house under 6 foot.
