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I hated this manga because of the sudden development. It started out so well, with such go...

Anonymous October 2, 2016 8:08 am

I hated this manga because of the sudden development. It started out so well, with such good character build-up that the whole scenario, which I would have called ridiculous, seemed so realistic and understandable. I cried when Takao's siblings were so eager about the letter from their mother, but he realized it was a declaration of divorce. It was absolutely heartbreaking, and was a beautifully depicted scene.

But problem is, the manga solved the conflict between Takao and his siblings simply by redirecting us to another manga. And with that, the story's flow was broken, the depressing and suffocating aura conveniently dissipated. I don't mind when I should read another, related manga for further context, bit there's a problem when I can't enjoy this manga without reading the other one. Takao's family problems dramatically impacted his character, and hence the way he interacted Yuzuru. In other words, it was a crucial part of this manga.

Yet all the manga provided regarding the conflict was the beginning, and some minor stories following its resolution. After showing me how agonizingly lonely Takao was, you can't expect me to simply accept that he made up with his siblings and resolved the problem. The tension just vanished-- fucking up and left-- before it could develop into something more valuable.

There has to be at least something shown about Takao reconciling with his siblings as an adult, not scenes where the younger sibling is like, "Yeah, I'm finally starting to get him." Because aside from your other manga, there is nothing that shows us why... and this /isn't/ a story about your other couple.

I'm sorry for the convoluted diatribe, but it's just, I loved how the manga started. Character design, personality, how twisted yet right everything was-- I couldn't wait to read the next page. And then suddenly I felt disconnected from the story, like an outsider that could no longer connect with the characters.

I'm just so disappointed with this manga's development.

And to be perfectly honest, I'm so petty and embittered that I really don't want to read the brother's story now.

    lol March 31, 2017 5:51 am

    "There has to be at least something shown about Takao reconciling with his siblings as an adult, not scenes where the younger sibling is like, "Yeah, I'm finally starting to get him." Because aside from your other manga, there is nothing that shows us why... and this /isn't/ a story about your other couple."
    Actually this is a spin-off from the manga they redirected us into, so basically putting here the 'brothers' conflict' will just kinda repeat the same story twice.

    P.S You should read the brother's story! You might find the scenes here more understanding after. Like you, I first found this story than the brother's and for a while didn't quiet liked it, but after accidentally stumbling with the adorkable KOI MADE HYAKURIN and after, re-reading this story now it made sense and I TOTALLY loved it!

    lol March 31, 2017 5:53 am

    "There has to be at least something shown about Takao reconciling with his siblings as an adult, not scenes where the younger sibling is like, "Yeah, I'm finally starting to get him." Because aside from your other manga, there is nothing that shows us why... and this /isn't/ a story about your other couple."
    Actually this is a spin-off from the manga they redirected us into, so basically putting here the 'brothers' conflict' will just kinda repeat the same story twice.

    P.S You should read the brother's story! You might find the scenes here more understanding after. Like you, I first found this story EARLIER than the brother's and for a while didn't quiet liked it, but after accidentally stumbling with the adorkable KOI MADE HYAKURIN and after, re-reading this story now it made sense and I TOTALLY loved it!