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I was really loving this story until they brought in that shitty coworker. These authors...

Tyzillz July 17, 2021 6:05 pm

I was really loving this story until they brought in that shitty coworker.

These authors make way to light of sexual assault and harassment. Yes I agree that Makoto needs to be firm and tell Tsuji to fuck off. They never should have let him get away with the first sexual assault at the Hotel while on a business trip. And now he's trying to assault him again at work! I'm sick to death of that nasty bastard!

Makoto has a serious complex about his sexual proclivities and about people finding out. That's normal especially in some countries. It can be deadly even in America for people to find out you're gay or bi or any part of the LGBTQ community. And that bastard Tsuji is using that to his advantage.

Remember what he (Tsuji the bastard) said to Makoto the first time he assaulted him? "you cheated on your boyfriend". This is mental intimidation. Not to mention that he attacks everytime Makoto is at a low point. Like when he was sleep at the Hotel, and again when he was having the problem with the at work dentist.

Makoto isn't the problem, he's doing his best to move forward and do better but he still has low self esteem. And Tsuji is literally a predator. So don't blame the victim. Blame the bastard predator.
