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Guys, Iruma with that earring... my heart skipped a bit and my egg cells went overdrive. I...

wolfgang July 18, 2021 1:13 am

Guys, Iruma with that earring... my heart skipped a bit and my egg cells went overdrive. I can't!! Our cinnamon roll who is fluffy, cute, always kind, I know he can be really really cool and sexy in his evil cycle, but I was not ready for him to be this manlier in his normal cycle. I know, Iruma's personality is already a true gentleman, he has the balls to always move forward and to chase his ambition, but he still look fluffy and cute. And now this look? Can he be any cooler? I am lost for words. I am not even sure if I was able to express what I really mean but that's that!

Anyway, it is so funny about Irumi being engaged to Robin-sensei. (≧∀≦)

    SLaMSHoOK July 18, 2021 3:32 am

    imagine him wearing it in his wicked mode XD he would look even cooler & if he gets engaged 2 robin then robin gonna have a hard time handling him in wicked mode XD