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on ch 25

gthicx July 18, 2021 5:38 am

I dont know if im the only one but I hate when someone gets in my business which makes me dislike luan. He is so weird and that thing he does to show he has yul is obsessive and it grosses me out and yul being so dumb in the beginning just made me look at him as a stupid child. Like hoe how you let this guy do all these things and you say that you can never say no. Plus the whole gang thing where luan was trying to find out about yul’s past was pathetic. I don’t like males like luan that are interested in a guy they first encounter and then automatically want to have research done on him to the extreme of having employees search it up. fucking weird and you hoes like that. idgaf if y’all disagree but it just shows the weird mindsets y’all have. That’s weird

    gthicx July 18, 2021 5:43 am

    lol scratxh the part about yul since he finally connected the dots in ch 30 at last.