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I understand his need for money but he is just a child and to waste his youth away working...

Srsly July 18, 2021 6:05 am

I understand his need for money but he is just a child and to waste his youth away working instead of making memories with his friends is a sad thing. There should be another way instead of him working jobs that pay peanuts to survive. I’m not saying he’s wrong for being upset but his way of living is no way to live. If only there was another adult around to help him and his mother.

    BeeHive July 19, 2021 3:52 pm

    That how life goes some people doesnt have the privilege to enjoy their youth and it gonna be difficult for them to find any help since they got (wrongly accused) criminal dad. Also i think he got paid as full timer while working there so its not exactly peanut amount and even if it is they still need that money to survive. And additionally this take place in china where government policy to help those in poverty is basically almost none existence