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⚛Christ-san⚛ July 18, 2021 7:15 am

I've re read this a hundred times already and it's still hella cute XD
For me I personally don't think anything bad about Fumi cause he's been Inlove with shunpei for the longest time already and all those years he didn't say anything so now that he's with him he get jealous very easily since he's finally with him after all those years...
And I mean since he's already his he wants it to be like that forever that's why he's possessive...
And maybe y'all forgot but they're still in high school meaning they're still kids who doesn't know much about things and wisdom come with age do he'll probably fix whatever mistake he's doing after some time when he realize it.
And it's also pretty obvious how much of a good person he really is and how much he really loves shunpei...
And well ass long ass they truly love each other and they're not hurting anyone there's nothing really wrong with him being a little bit of a jelly person
