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I love this manga, but the only thing that annoys me, and that can be found in other manga...

Minella July 18, 2021 11:48 am

I love this manga, but the only thing that annoys me, and that can be found in other mangas of the same genre, is this kind of fake "humility".
She has a dimensional storage filled with expensive stuff, she even sold that spear for three whole bags of gold, but she's here worrying about if her paycheck can cover it ?
Also why do characters in isekai only do two things : they want to spend all their time in leisure doing absolutely nothing, or just to live a "simple and normal life" and take a normal boring job ? Ruri could be doing so much more with her powers and wealth. Is that supposed to be relatable ? Because if I had that much power and wealth I would not play at being a waitress (that is a tough and exhausting job btw, and you don't just decide to show up randomly whenever you like :') ) or just sit around doing nothing. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    vin July 20, 2021 11:32 pm

    True. I would first think of traveling to different kingdoms just to sightsee and along the way find a place where I can settle down. Well, for sure I would still want to live my life in leisure after that. but if there are things I could do then I would, since I have a lot of free time and money.

    Minella July 21, 2021 12:06 am
    True. I would first think of traveling to different kingdoms just to sightsee and along the way find a place where I can settle down. Well, for sure I would still want to live my life in leisure after that. but... vin

    Exactly ! There is so much to learn, expecially when you have the ressources. Also She could have asked the fairies to grow a full on fruit forest, but no, only one tree ._. Anyway I just prefer when characters fully exploit their potential, I don't care if they're overpowered (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    vin July 21, 2021 2:46 am
    Exactly ! There is so much to learn, expecially when you have the ressources. Also She could have asked the fairies to grow a full on fruit forest, but no, only one tree ._. Anyway I just prefer when characters... Minella

    So true. If she really feel bad about the poor people and have nothing to do anyway, she could have visited all the affected villages and grew a lot of fruit trees. If she didn’t want attention, then she could do it secretly and along the way sightsee. Also, if she wanted petty revenge to the people who exiled her, she could also ask the fairies to avoid those people and never lend them their power for some time since she didn’t want to destroy the country itself.

    vin July 21, 2021 2:48 am
    Exactly ! There is so much to learn, expecially when you have the ressources. Also She could have asked the fairies to grow a full on fruit forest, but no, only one tree ._. Anyway I just prefer when characters... Minella

    There’s a lot she could do honestly with all the power she held.

    Minella July 21, 2021 4:54 pm

    I would have loved it if it had gone in that direction ! That's why I enjoy Akatsuki no Yona so much, they travel and meet all kinds of people, all the while helping around and improving their skills. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    [email protected] July 22, 2021 4:30 am
    I would have loved it if it had gone in that direction ! That's why I enjoy Akatsuki no Yona so much, they travel and meet all kinds of people, all the while helping around and improving their skills. ٩(๑�... Minella

    Ohh, I remember reading Akatsuki no Yona but I stopped. I wonder why. I might read it again soon

    Ciel July 23, 2021 1:16 pm

    I agree with yall but if she did this would have been a totally different manga haha. I really cant stand Asashi though. Wished she could get rid of her for good

    pigrat_ September 1, 2023 5:56 am

    i understand ur taste and everything, i personally love these kinds of stories, and though isekai with adventures and more power focused plots are fun to read too, i can understand the want to just settle down and relax. especially if you can become a spoiled housecat living in a luxurious castle, or live out a cute, fantasy cottage life.
    no matter the world/dimension, work is work and effort is effort. sure, ruri has a lot of power. but to live with that power is annoying and she was just a normal person before she got isekai’d here. also i just love her kitty form (=・ω・=) she is so cute