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OMG I'M GOING TO CRY RN. I've been sobbing ever since chapter 75 bc i thought baal/vael ki...

pinkdrink July 18, 2021 1:18 pm

OMG I'M GOING TO CRY RN. I've been sobbing ever since chapter 75 bc i thought baal/vael killed himself and after seeing him in chapter 81....i feel like i've been gifted a million i swear to god if he dies for real, i'm going to cry so much. Also we're going to be getting a hot ass trio next chapter. ash is back and vael is here and our queen hayan (eun tae is there too but he's not fighting so that's why i didn't mention him but all the love to him as well) (≧∀≦) this is all so exciting. The final fight is coming soon and I'm shaking in anticipation. ash, vael, and eun tae better get happy endings (no death for them pls).
