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This is why I hated high school

SORA the RunawaY July 18, 2021 1:38 pm

Everyones so goddamn petty and if a person is just a tad bit different from how others are or have seen them over the years, they lose their shit. Sora needs some better friends. I think she should find friends outside of school and just hang out with Haena cause the friends she has at school can't even be considered friends. Friends don't do the things they've pulled. One tellin her she's changed and that's a bad thing and the other only showin interest in her cause she said she had a bf? Those aren't friends. It's obvious that the nerdy friend is changing her train of thought, that's good, but I think she should apologize for makin Sora feel as if she may destroy her life any second and actin a fool. I think she's about to try and clear the air between Sora and the mean girl, but idk if there's a point. Mean girl made the mistake of treating Sora badly and not caring to find out why she did what she did. I don't condone lying, it should be avoided, but jesus, does she have to be such a bitch to her in school? Bit much ey?
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    CUPIDLOVE July 18, 2021 10:00 pm

    I don’t think Sora having a boyfriend is the whole reason there friends it’s just how they started. Sora lied and left her out for months. I think it’s not her not having a boyfriend that made her mad but the lying.

    SORA the RunawaY July 18, 2021 11:56 pm
    I don’t think Sora having a boyfriend is the whole reason there friends it’s just how they started. Sora lied and left her out for months. I think it’s not her not having a boyfriend that made her mad but... CUPIDLOVE

    Nah. Sorry, but I can't agree. And it's based on two scenes. The first is when she finally shows real interest in Sora only after hearing she apparently has a bf and the second is from one of the latest chapters wherein she goes out of her way to hurt Sora. Regardless of being lied to or not, and just for the record I'm not saying Sora was right for lying cause she wasn't, but just because someone is lied to does not validate their negative actions. I think if she was a true friend and actually valued their friendship, she would try to find out more about Sora outside of her relationship and she would try to find out why Sora felt she had to lie in the first place. Only then coild they work out their differences and dark haired girl/nerdy girl (can't remember her name) is most likely going to be the bigger person and try to work things out. That tells me that at least she's redeemable as of right now, but the other friend is not. It's clear Sora misses her friends and wants to work things out as well, which makes her redeemable, but her friends really need to work om themselves and learn how to treat others better. It's just that simple.

    mimi July 19, 2021 12:35 am

    well they are highschool kids lmao

    SORA the RunawaY July 19, 2021 2:02 am
    well they are highschool kids lmao mimi

    Like I said, I hated high school. And truthfully, yes, this is about high schoolers so angst and miscommunication is expected. It's still a great story, but I had to leave a comment.