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Black and white angles

Mikasa October 4, 2016 1:54 am

OH OKAYYYY. It's a supernatural yaoi were there are pairs the black with the white angles and the white angles get reincarnated but not the black ones so when the black one is about to due they have sex and the white one goes to look for the black one and finds a pile of feathers(he's dead). So he goes to 'God' and pleads to have him back but 'God' says " Ill give him back but you will be stripped of your wings." And he accepts so he's a human and the black ANGEL gets reborn into a human to and they like like father and son think. So he watched him from afar the black ANGEL has no recollection of his previous life with the white ANGEL and shit happened then they fall in love. But please help me look for it. Thatnks ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
