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What a plot twist!

Hellooo July 18, 2021 4:03 pm

Although I dont have any complains about whos top and whos bottom, I was caught off guard when they first had sex(idk why but I laughed at that part) As for the plot...there really wasnt any. I dont like the uke. First off hes manipulative, selfish, a hypocrite and its clear he doesnt really love seme, its just obsession or infatuation. If he did then he wouldve spent all his time getting close to him and being considerate of seme's feelings instead of demanding attention from him and interfering semes relationship ONLY when seme has a girlfriend. He has the audacity to get angry to seme when seme doesnt answer his messeges but whenever seme tries to reach out to him to hang out he always refuses and ignores him.
