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here again to vent

Master July 18, 2021 8:05 pm

I just really dislike Yuki, yes naruse is an asshole sometimes but at least he never got himself involved with a girl he KNEW had feelings for him.
Unlike Yuki who keeps going to the 2nd male lead over and over again to the point that they've kissed while she was dating naruse and dint even get mad at the fact someone other than her boyfriend kissed her. Not to mention that when the other guy with the mole appeared and also liked Yuki she kept saying how she also felt a "thing for him" again all this while she was dating...
and now just bc of a fight she went on a date with said 2nd lead and even allowed him to kiss her but thank god at least one character has at least a drop of common sense and so he didnt kiss her bc HE KNOWS she is STIL DATING Naruse, Naruse the boy she always is complaining and saying he will cheat on her but never does, and instead she is the one cheating on him..bruh wtf?

    tint July 19, 2021 11:23 am

    frrr, this made me frown real hard.

    KIRIA05 July 19, 2021 9:43 pm

    Yes, but at least she told Shou that Shizuka kissed her. SHE DID- He could have told her and cleared up the misunderstanding, HOWEVER he did not which is why Yuki misunderstood. And it was also something Usami should have confronted Shou about it, like- She could have told him to tell Yuki about what happened but all she did was make the misunderstanding even worse by making it seem like he was just embracing her instead of comforting her- And Shizuka could have avoided asking for a date, KNOWING that she's taken and she's currently arguing with her boyfriend. Don't just point your fingers at Yuki, she's not the only one in the wrong- And it's not like she was doing it on purpose to get involved with Shizuka-

    Master July 19, 2021 10:36 pm
    Yes, but at least she told Shou that Shizuka kissed her. SHE DID- He could have told her and cleared up the misunderstanding, HOWEVER he did not which is why Yuki misunderstood. And it was also something Usami ... KIRIA05

    ohh this is going to be long-
    (sorry in advance ^^;)

    Im not saying its only her fault I did say that Naruse is an asshole lol bc he never communicates correctly and when he says something he says it in a straight forward way that sounds rude/or is actually being rude. He has no concern for anyone except Yuki which ends up being a problem bc when he is hanging out with someone else he never talks about it with Yuki as he doesn't believe his interactions with others are important or of significance- this leading to the misunderstandings (as we saw happen when he was with a female classmate).

    And yes she told Naruse about the kiss ..that's the least she should I get she didn't ask for the kiss but even after being kissed by Shizuka she never once treated him differently or properly distanced herself from him reason why Shizuka kept on believing Yuki could one day end up liking him.

    As for Shizuka and the date thing...well hes been trying to get with Yuki so he never misses a chance to get to her, he shouldn't be the one to avoid asking for a date- more like YUKI should be the one declining the date even if it was as payback for a favor its not okay to do that when you're already in a relationship. And if she wasn't looking to get involved with Shizuka to get back at Naruse.. then tell me why at the end she allowed Shizuka to kiss her? Like I said, at least Shizuka at the end does recognize that she's with someone else and finally after 100+ chapters decides to give up as he should've from the first rejection (im not saying hes a good guy with no flaws and its all on yuki im just saying that finally someone in this manga gained some conscience and made the correct choice..even if it took a while-)

    As for the whole misunderstanding *sigh* this plot line has been used over and over already in the manga its always Yuki misunderstanding when there is absolutely nothing happening and Naruse never explaining himself bc he doesn't believe he has to, the story just became repetitive. And for this time around Yuki just blindly believed in her best friend and taught Naruse cheated, the only time Yuki confronted him is when she asked him if he was hiding something (refering to the hug with the ex) to which he said no bc he genuinely believed he didnt do anything wrong as he comforted a friend in his perspective, but then she blamed him for "meeting in secret with her ex" and he did say that wasn't the case and tried to explain but she wouldn't listen and instead just pushed him away and well..all that has lead us to the latest chapter- where she finally realized she should believe in the relationship she has and take care of it

    but I do want to say saying I really dislike her is kind of too much so I correct myself
    -she's simply not my favorite- and im not hating on the manga* although it could've been better, but I ended up enjoying the second couple more than the main so all is well that ends well ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Sinchan July 20, 2021 12:30 am

    I'm kind if expecting them to break up at this point like they both have their own flaws but this chapter was not the move for Yuki. Ima be sad when it happens but cant wait for the next chapter even though it'll probably be a hot minute.