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the 2nd story was so bad that i didn't read the rest. it's worse than a teenager writing f...

not very good January 14, 2013 7:33 pm

the 2nd story was so bad that i didn't read the rest. it's worse than a teenager writing fanfiction. the story starts with this guy in love with his high school crush- but his agent purposely keeps him away from his friend- his agent then drugs him and chains him to a bed- and instead of being pissed or fighting- the author just decides that the kid is gonna fall in love with his agent and forget all about his long time friend and crush__cause drugging and being kept a prisoner always leads to love-= for this stupid author anyway

    Rea January 18, 2013 2:10 am

    actually it is a real psychological method. if a person is confined and is stressed (ex. feels their life may be in danger) eventually they give in to whatever was suggested to them (ex i lock someone in a room and every single day i plant a suggestion in their head that they actually like me, eventually they will cave in)

    Igarashi January 22, 2013 4:16 pm

    Stockholm sydrome is the name. When a person fell in love with his/her abductor. It's not a bad idea that the author put it in that manner. I guess there's no difference at all.

    Anonymous May 8, 2013 10:06 am

    That really interesting, the psychology thing that is.

    Ben October 19, 2013 3:33 am

    Stockholm syndrom...

    Anonymous Idiot July 28, 2014 4:10 am

    Plz reread as in that story he says or thinks I guess I want to see how much this guy (his manager) loves me and how far will he go, though Stockholm Syndrome I would think it takes longer than a few minutes and more like a week