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I want more, i need a clear ending!!!

Anastasia and consort haha July 19, 2021 1:50 pm

I want more, i need a clear ending like why Ghu-Wool kidnapped Hayan is it because he know that Jiyoon will managed to leave or just some plan B if Jiyoon managed to leave so that he can realized that he cant run away from Ghu-Wool even if so what if Ghu-Wool didn't managed to get out of the trial and end up living in prison. Will he be happy knowing that Jihyoon always remember him..... well that just sound like Ghu-Wool. Well i have 4 ending in mind. Well this only ending I have in mind if the ending extra 2 only just halucination.

Ending 1 : that if Ghu-Wool really end up in prison i think Jihyoon maybe will visit him later because he cant forget or run away from him and then he will get out from prison and chase after Jihyoon again and it a bad end for both Jihyoon and Hayan.

Ending 2 : what if what Jihyoon only end up being a mentally and physically sick while beings stalk by Ghu-Wool bad end for Jihyoon.

Ending 3 : what if Ghu-Wool mom didn't give him any money anymore well as long Ghu-Wool didn't even thinking about killing his parents then it will be kind of good end for Jihyoon but if he thinking about to kill his parent then it will be a really bad end for Jihyoon and Hayan since Ghu-Wool will be loaded of money if he did. Well idk if Ghu-Wool is the only child or the eldest it will turn out different if he have

Ending 4 : I really can't think any good ending for Jihyoon but i think if Hayan want a good end he just have to break up with Jihyoon but i think if Ghu-Wool win the trial he will take Hayan and do the same thing he did to Sungtae but if Hayan make a deal with Ghu-Wool maybe he will leave Hayan alone since he doesnt want Jihyoon have any relationship with Hayan again. And there will be a big chances that Jihyoon will really fall in love with Ghu-Wool if Hayan really break up with him and have a deal with Ghu-Wool but if Hayan just break up with Jihyoon the chances for him to fall in love will be big too but not that big.
