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Lil Mo is not as priveleged as the others. He should be enjoying his school life, but he c...

wolfgang July 19, 2021 2:50 pm

Lil Mo is not as priveleged as the others. He should be enjoying his school life, but he can't fully enjoy it due to his family's circumstances. And I think something happened with his father that made him so difficult to trust others. We got to give him credit for trying to act strong and shouldering all of it, but I really wish he can get a help even if he is not asking for it. He might not take it well, like he might feel that its out of pity, but I wish someone would step up and make him feel that sometimes it is alright to ask for help.

    akingisa July 19, 2021 2:53 pm

    his father was falsely accused of being a murderer and sentenced to Prison:(

    wolfgang July 19, 2021 3:01 pm
    his father was falsely accused of being a murderer and sentenced to Prison:( akingisa

    Yeah. He's been through so much already. Imagine all of these burden for a junior highschool boy. I really wish everything will get better for him eventually.