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I didn’t know this exsisted

。*Phi* 。 July 19, 2021 3:09 pm

I have never read a manga that is so twisted like this, this is my first twisted yaoi manga, and I am fucking trembling

I was like “wtf why uke go with seme after what he been through” but I realize that... it’s the plot I can’t change

The seme I felt a bit of pity after hearing what had happen to him, it is like the saying bullies make other bullies, this story is messed up but I have this guilty thrill, not’s probably adrenaline I have no idea tbh

    Randomfujoshi July 20, 2021 5:00 am

    One of my twisted one(bl version) where it made me think and have existential crisis for quite a while was I think my first read was "kokoro O korosu houhou" it's not that I recommend it but if u could go through this I guess read at ur own risk lol also another one that's similar to this manga is that doujin about levixerwin that must not be name, everyone kept saying don't read it and that just made me more curious and i kinda regretted it for a while until I read some fluffy innocent ones and eventually got over it, sooo yee(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜