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I'm pissed pissed

Your Highness July 19, 2021 9:03 pm

I don't fucking care about how the seme regrets his actions - I still think that he doesn't deserve Shinobu.. he was literally a human trash and should've suffered more.
There is indeed a saying that you'll only realize the persons worth to you when they're gone. But I still fucking hate him.
He's so selfish treating other people's feelings as a game and now he's regretting all.
This goes to any other trash seme in mangas I've read before, you don't deserve a happy ending as well as the uke's love.ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Bananacountry July 19, 2021 9:12 pm

    This is kinda the author's thing. All of their titles the seme is a trash prece of human being

    Your Highness July 19, 2021 9:31 pm

    Oh yeah but it's really annoying that a lot of stories have this kind of seme's and still get a happy ending Specially when there's a second ml who's a 100 times better that a trashy seme but they still end up with the worst
    I mean it's a thing and it's amusing to read them suffering but like moreee - their "suffering" is just literally taking advantage of the ukes feelings.. jist like this - he fainted in front of the uke, got sent to tge hospital, pitifully apologized, uke's heart softened, and everything is alright. Happy ending, The end. Like wtf man, what was that.